
Posts Tagged ‘Silver Palate Cookbook’

I served dinner to my guests last night and the first course was my pea, spinach and mint soup.  I think they liked it a lot as I was asked whether this recipe was on my blog!!  Having looked, and found it is not, I thought I’d better add it so you can make it for yourselves.   It is really simple, and I am afraid to say it is yet another direct ‘steal’ from my favourite old recipe book – The Silver Palate. I think the secret of all their soup recipes is that they use lashings of butter to start them off.  I actually always use Willow which is a marginally healthier option and the taste is identical to butter – I have been using it ever since I started a b&b and no-one has ever been able to tell the difference.  I have no butter in the house!

 Oh, by the way, don’t forget my tip – if you are making a batch of this for freezing, do not add the right quantity of liquid.  You will only be filling your freezer up with lots of water!  Keep the pureed soup very concentrated, and thin it out when you thaw it out for serving.

Anyway, here it is – happy cooking.  Recipe

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This Recipe for Curried Butternut Squash and Apple Soup is unashamedly borrowed from a wonderful, and now very old, American cookbook that I bought when I lived in America, in 1983 called The Silver Palate Cookbook.  There will probably be some more recipes on the blog in the future as it is one of the few cookbooks I own that I use many recipes from. 

This recipe has been requested by guests who recently enjoyed it for dinner here at Lea House, and is the starter I gave the AA Inspector when he awarded me the AA dinner award.  It is, of course, a vegetarian option.

TOP TIP FOR FREEZING SOUP – when cooking, use less stock, blend soup and freeze in portions.  Before serving, add extra stock.  This way you do not have a freezer full of frozen water!

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